Rules of procedure

La Bastide de Biot

La Bastide de Biot is a private establishment accessible to the public, offering high-end Hotel and spa services. The Hotel’s rules of procedure are exhibited at all entry points. A paper or a Flashcode® digital copy is available at the Front Desk. Hence, everyone entering the Hotel is considered to have perused and agreed to these provisions.


The following terms are defined as such for these regulations:

  • Hotel: the entity responsible for the premises and services, including its staff.
  • Premises: all areas of the hotel, including rooms, communal areas and staff areas.
  • Communal Areas: all areas accessible to visitors, including the front desk, shop, spa, restaurant, bar, terrace, all stairwells, corridors, landings and entrance halls, and hotel grounds.
  • Visitor: anyone who enters the premises, including passers-by, hotel service providers, guests, and staff.
  • Guest: anyone who has booked a service with the hotel and is therefore welcome on the premises.

The Premises (Reception, lounge, breakfast room, relaxation area) are open and freely accessible everyday from 8am to 8pm.

At any time, the Hotel may require Visitors to comply with certain specific measures (restricted access, wearing of medical masks, etc.) for security or health reasons, even if no particular legislation imposes such measures. Visitors must respect the Premises and their equipment (furniture, decorative elements, etc.) and report any damage, vandalism or offensive behaviour, such as breach of decency, to the Hotel.

The use of the Premises must be carried out in such a way as to preserve tranquillity and not to undermine public order or morality, which implies compliance with the regulations and excludes any aggressive or inappropriate behaviour. Expressly, the following actions are strictly prohibited:

  • Smoking or vaping;
  • Dressing indecently;
  • Using, possessing, or distributing illegal drugs or dangerous products;
  • Breaking the advice on use indicated by the pictograms displayed, notably those concerning lifts;
  • Depositing rubbish outside the bins;
  • Running, shouting, dancing, singing, causing a disturbance, playing games or engaging in sporting or religious activities, throwing or dropping objects, demonstrating, displaying banners or putting up inscriptions;
  • Cluttering the Premises by storing anything such as bicycles, packages, suitcases, etc. Any suspicious object abandoned, chained to the furniture or of dubious origin may, for security reasons, be sequestered or even damaged and destroyed at the sole expense and risk of its depositor;
  • Behaving disrespectfully, inappropriately or indecently toward La Bastide de Biot staff or service providers.

As a general rule, offenders will be held responsible for any damage or repairs, and violators may be asked to leave without claiming damages.

Any person violating the provisions of these Regulations may be asked to leave the Premises, without being able to claim any damages of any kind.

Visitors who use the Communal Areas are expected to behave reasonably, including refraining from using a telephone in speaker mode, running, shouting, instigating or taking part in any brawl or disturbance. Additionally, Visitors must dress appropriately in these areas. As such, it is forbidden to go bare-chested, and bathrobes must only be worn with a bathing suit or underwear when authorised.

However, the Hotel reserves the right to deny access to Visitors with pets that may cause disturbance or be dangerous without proper muzzling.

Visitors, particularly service providers, must behave discreetly to maintain the tranquillity of other Visitors and Guests on the Premises.

Unauthorized Visitors are strictly prohibited from accessing staff-only areas, such as the car park, closed doors, or doors marked “Staff Entrance only” or “Restricted Area”.

Restrooms are available to Visitors at all times.

All Visitors using the lavatories and toilets are required to leave them clean. They shall refrain from any form of damage or indecent or obscene behaviour.

Any damage or repairs will be charged to the offenders.

Visitors are requested to walk on designated footpaths. It is strictly prohibited to enter the flower boxes or green areas.

If a Visitor or any object in their care causes damage to any of these areas or the works of art on display, the Visitor may be immediately expelled without any entitlement to compensation.

The Hotel reserves the right to take appropriate action to repair any damage caused.

Guests can play pétanque, ping-pong, and table football in the dedicated areas provided for them. In any case, these activities must be conducted reasonably and without endangering any third party.

The Hotel rooms are provided exclusively for our Guests. If you wish to bring your pets along, you must inform the staff and keep them under your supervision at all times to avoid any harm or damage caused by them. You will be held responsible for compensating La Bastide de Biot or any third party for any damage caused by your pet.

Also, please note that all the rooms are designated as non-smoking areas.

If you require additional services such as room service, laundry or minibar, please refer to the posters or cards in your room for further details. When you depart, you may take any consumable items with you, but please be aware that any missing items will be charged. This includes items such as:

  • Bathrobobe
  • Bluetooth speaker
  • Glasses,
  • Bath products (flacons floqués Godet notamment)

For the safety and protection of your valuables, any item worth more than € 500 should be stored in the safe provided in your room. If you fail to comply with this requirement and any items are reported missing due to theft, the Hotel’s responsibility will be limited to the maximum amount of € 500.

We kindly request that all Guests maintain a respectful attitude and dress appropriately when interacting with Hotel staff, even when in the privacy of their room. This includes when receiving room service or chambermaid service.

Any damage to the room, including smoke odors or damage caused by an animal, will be charged to the Guest in the amount of €250. The Hotel reserves the right to demand reimbursement of the actual costs incurred for restoring the room if these exceed this amount.